Global Reishi Industry

Written by ZoeyLiu


Posted on November 26 2021


China, Japan and South Korea are the primary nations of Reishi production

in the world. One data shows, as it was rather old one, the total amount of

global production as of the year of 1997 was approximately 4,300MT

and the largest producer in the world, Mainland China, covered 3,000MT.

The rest as about 1,300MT were turned out by South Korea, Taiwan, Japan,

Thailand, US, Vietnam, Indonesia and Sri Lanka and so on.


Another statistics also indicates more than half of the production are made by

Mainland China, and other than China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea are

the main producing nations, those of which are East Asian nations, the following

are ASEAN Nations except US.

This means traditionally Reishi has been made high of in China and

in the areas where China has influenced over.


DXN Group is one of the largest manufacturers in Malaysia, where

about 40% of the population are Chinese-Malaysian, the total amount

of its production reaches 70MT

per year and it is estimated to occupy about 1% in the global industry.


And, there is estimation that at least over 100 brands and 780 commodities

on sales in the world and the largest market of Reishi products is US.


The number of laboratories specializing in Reishi is said to be more than 100.

Demand for reishi products are on the path of rapid growth, and the industry

sometimes fails to meet the customers’ satisfaction.


There are some issues to be required to be solved as introductions of

GMP and offer of

scientific evidence on the utility, at the same time, each of the firms have

been striving to improve their products and to meet the customers’





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